code = 71121961808, 75730, 495, 495.221, 843479187632, 658010123334, 07028702012ftg, 6472, 06h133201at, 467, 80926694019, 488, 717604041048, 77330530057, 70847891604, 681131156790, 6384, 6794, 076b3b, 06k103213j, 81099204586, 04m, 17:00, 855960000832, 64107994, 589, 65303, 06h121601m, 73141150057, 4922, 7200802, 76174337259, 49074021153, 04674t2aa00zz, 73502048436, 664, 6100104, 50624060096, 06z, 79200060688, 78477104163, 80109107, 8004089303, 7149158194, 07k117021c, 06k145614g, 73908045, 06f129101r, 06e121168b, 76174813371, 73149095978, 70042190403, 05169313aa, 70970471230, 7147140850, 05058437ak, 5310112, 04810021ab, 818767010695, 79578700049, 50200008801, 6.63e+11, 814855026340, 8006, 855622000019, 47995855093, 54100977656, 80083916382, 7015, 6842, 8035, 674, 7149128777, 84871331616, 70920476339, 4756, 07gb, 75609199158, 6447, 819130025919, 06s9016, 5086, 04711tgga50zz, 77924058578, 71899835486, 050dctwflk, 86279188618, 04e907660c, 47900303190, 06na, 74305060021, 06j127501ab, 838823004857, 4943, 06e127535b, 06e121044ae, 602652259388, 657227000506, 580, 06h105209at, 70640006632, 49807100094, 06e115562c, 5671, 71662077228, 5052, 859547004008, 05555ct11007, 06e103484p, 6230, 7852, 70501021231, 06j906051c, 73149932433, 49821862701, 6400017, 072142wtc, 810011123632, 78742301228, 82392592523, 830395023007, 70230153661, 05005204ag, 622356559942, 627987249620, 80887493966, 8014, 5777, 845226021756, 50036389075, 754806262086, 0770cf, 67003778, 7129904150, 04891524aa, 059131521k, 5056491001, 5053, 850251004940, 735541804274, 06j115611l, 52100371603, 84691263784, 4795000, 859977005279, 47700069807, 681131037341, 82472121094, 04669475ab, 7200010, 50875818347, 06e109285h, 75906061, 04799758af, 04715t2aa90zz, 47871114078, 0501t, 52000043143, 7037, 06d919081b, 673419358491, 6600, 88300139507, 5091, 53112039, 7129907535, 06h906051k, 06e906189g, 72180634733, 736970661032, 71662040123, 05047788ad, 80878195886, 062x, 6387, 06g998907, 696998668225, 82442915838, 07t, 50375022336, 7200725, 74182445713, 73852503241, 05179267ad, 7119963132, 80432400395, 5801183, 0803rl, 73149149589, 612615095137, 52742033167, 06k103600r, 746775312244, 07c115562e, 48001011595, 86279129123, 85267666411, 7019, 86785110738, 5359, 84871331579, 8630012, 05085094ac, 7049, 06k115243ab, 054h, 47400669086, 06a906433g, 53891169820, 065624pg, 73390000165, 04715tvaa50zz, 05013470ae, 87300560076, 06j145807, 885609004808, 7200633, 07tsmbb5, 6161, 79400460240, 88020, 6020, 74198613953, 724504013112, 06160rlv305, 724909000014, 80596042035, 711719720690, 06h121121l, 76630169615, 759731408820, 877448006488, 807648065992, 06s9007, 76683009623, 05108114aa, 7540, 52000135176, 06h115418aa, 812887016070, 80660956831, 52100589954, 885612873682, 05033310ab, 72413256, 6133, 7.31e+04, 05154460aa, 7147234212, 7737, 8026, 74101204599, 04712t7wa10, 885911350013, 059906261f, 0878m, 059115611am, 7189, 4964, 51411600013, 849803060534, 7823, 6676, 76314302970, 736676111008, 05127381ab, 818085, 759023073453, 815369010757, 76174834697, 71000301, 87300560106, 856413007132, 694202906897, 47700009100, 79100902026, 870661008093, 06f121132h, 8560, 673419378406, 73031204, 887276738666, 06l121043b, 8038, 77924025136, 06g906036j, 669809222206, 05149168aj, 06d145100h, 65000171, 055b, 5060, 588, 06l103801d, 06gi, 04z, 6375, 06560aa, 88110150563, 78742444444, 84008426, 4781700, 6400020, 50000421541, 86279177605, 5300196, 49533310460, 680, 06k109158bj, 4684, 74182260125, 72782064501, 4789, 49000026566, 6324, 04715t7wa80, 71153785717, 70896062567, 75020100757, 8510, 4981, 06h121601n, 06f127025m, 80003, 52000102475, 05145571aa, 06504485ab, 84302698, 47871273171, 058905291k, 76683000392, 49793065391, 52000208078, 059103175f, 0551771jws, 061106a0a01, 856770005901, 634482541623, 06l145874e, 88004018580, 7131480419, 870, 54000164477, 50036380782, 878, 7403, 747599624599, 844660023180, 854448003877, 73435000044, 74451124288, 063000a, 6021, 60071, 04715tg7a50zz, 5663, 5045, 06a906036p, 638, 8460, 858158005121, 70798180659, 07k906433b, 762111206251, 06k903023g, 717489310017, 52000121964, 6064, 75020103277, 085927c0001, 71202067504, 8836, 8063, 5073593001, 73796710026, 80926694002, 887276120287, 70662026038, 4904403, 06e121045t, 078103235g, 7831504, 86279194824, 7146949380, 06l133201fp, 0598t, 05184349ac, 7146976114, 795392, 810070085643, 06k145874m, 6.81e+11, 820650853234, 06h103495, 80313029639, 8809, 06f109088j, 71993162, 854448003884, 7827, 70972772557, 7501056326173, 8290320550, 51500241639, 06e109257p, 050番号, 622356559331, 080p, 885911744935, 80808, 735541235214, 71773, 70847027324, 79976726511, 06e905115f, 05l24pdrpbn84, 723393119448, 739, 06m121083j, 837, 854102006732, 746, 71925444, 05026211aa, 73852291018, 73502045350, 800669529559, 587, 7028035012, 6332, 7432, 70183500345, 86400903295, 48231787970, 50036380621, 841856112451, 04l971785c, 5068, 06033c104kat2a, 549, 05148037am, 06j145220a, 7890, 70662010037, 056105313c, 65437, 47400677067 -

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